Home » Blog » Tips to Manage On-site Event Registration like a Pro
It’s 2018 and there are various products and systems that are made available to assist you to manage your on-site registration for the event like a Pro. The best thing about such technology is that you have a track of the number of registrations that you received. Below we have highlighted a couple of products that we think are remarkable and can help manage the whole registration process or its elements easily.
1. Ditch the tables use kiosks.
Using kiosks serves to be handier rather than using tablets or putting up tables. It allows your guests to register before the event, gives details about the event and even prints tickets directly. The devices can be kept in front of the entrance of the event venue. You can even customize the welcome screen and name badges according to the theme of the event and the brand that you own.
2. Use of Guest Check-in app.
Guest Check-in apps are easier and faster to greet all their event participants. There are hundreds of apps that are made available for free as well as paid which will help you register your guests electronically onsite.
3. Success is all in the lead up to the event
To become proficient for onsite event registration like an experienced professional, you need to put in the hard work and efforts that are needed to be successful, in advance of the actual event. That is, you need to efficiently invite and draw the attention of the guests to your event and take in their RSVPs first. If things go better, you can also integrate with third-party event registration system website to make your work much easier. Those people are likely to submit you an Excel worksheet where all the details would be integrated with relevant data. In conclusion, using a registration system saves a lot of time and cost in a long run just like a professional.